Macmillan Coffee Morning Fundraiser
Last week our we held a Macmillan Coffee morning in the office and we are very pleased to announce that we have raised a massive £358.40.
The Macmillan Coffee Morning has been a popular fundraiser for the charity for a while now. Like so many charities, Macmillan are finding that donations are down this year as a result of cancelled events. Limits on gatherings and social distancing measures have had a massive impact on the charity sector overall.
Determined to keep our charity activity going despite restrictions we pushed ahead with our coffee morning in the office. A one-way system, paper plates, lashings of hand sanitiser and the watchful eye of our servers meant this year’s event was not the normal bun fight (pardon the pun) for our MD’s vegan muffins or Keeley’s biscoffi cheesecake. Distancing and decorum prevailed, the cakes sold out, as did Dave’s roasted meat.
Clearly Carrington West employees like to eat and donate! Well done team.